"Most importantly, she actually LISTENED and her encouragement was priceless."

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Joy began the AFreelife 30-day Alcohol Reset Program with this quote and I can honestly say that I am glad that I took that first step. Joy's knowledge and experience really made me feel like I can conquer this and have the life that I've always wanted. Through the daily activities she provided, it became easier to see a clear path to recovery. Most importantly, she actually LISTENED and her encouragement was priceless. I am so thankful for her guidance and coaching."

~ Leslie W., Texas

Contact Coach Joy at:

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Joy Stieglitz is a certified Sobriety and Wellness Coach who specializes in helping sandwich generation people change their relationship with alcohol to find true freedom and joy in their life. Alcohol Free since November 2019, Joy brings valuable insights into her practice. AFreeLife Coaching is a safe space where all are welcome to explore their desire for health, wellness, and personal growth regardless of where they are or want to go on their journey with alcohol, and regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or any other social construct.